It is with great pleasure we announce the first ever fully funded Olympiacos Melbourne Euro pro trip, after an identification from one of our European counterparts.

Kelemen Dominic, 16, has been part of the Olympiacos Melbourne Football Philanthropy for 2 years. After arriving as a refugee from South Sudan 5 years ago with his siblings, Kelemen seeked to build a new life in Australia.

Kelemen joined our Olympiacos Melbourne Helping Kids Football Centre. It was a perfect blend for him to improve via his love for soccer whilst combining it with finding a place of refuge and peace. This assisted his ability to regain self confidence, whilst tuning his skills.

Throughout this period, Kelemen’s confidence blossomed, as he experienced the care and never give up on you attitude by his coaches. On completion at the Helping Kids Football Centre, Kelemen continued to the Football Improvement Centre. He continued through our initiatives until completing our junior Euro pathway, where we was identified.

We shared our excitement with the staff at St. Johns Regional College, who, in this scenario are not only who’s facility we hire, but are also proud to have Kelemen as their student.

“Since beginning with us at St John’s Regional College, Kelemen has been nothing short of a wonderful role model for all our students.”, said Shelley. “He has a friendly and cheerful disposition and is often seen with a big smile on his face. Kelemen threw himself straight into all aspects of the College, being selected as a House Student Representative for his year level and representing the College at interschool Cross Country (where he set a new record for his age group).”

Shelley and Kelemen’s teachers were so happy to receive this news and can’t wait to share with the rest of the school. “His can-do attitude and maturity will see him achieve great things in his future. We are so proud of Kelemen.”

We are so proud of person, not only for his achievement on the field, but also his positive attitude. We have always seen a person who smiles and is always grateful for whatever he has received. We are truly honoured that he would be given such an opportunity that could change his life for the better.

Kelemen’s has received a once in a lifetime opportunity whereby he has received an all expenses paid trip to Portugal. On arrival, our European representative will spend the first week assisting Kelemen to adjust from the flight as well as prepare for his training.

In the following weeks, Kelemen will train with youth players at some of Europe’s best football academies. Players who excel at these academies are given the opportunity to play European Champions League games at a young age, allowing their player biography to excel exponentially.

Olympiacos Melbourne Football Philanthropy wishes to announce the appointment of our European representative.

Sergei Kundik, is a retired professional European football player with an extensive European playing history. Originally from Russia, Sergei played at a Russian soccer tournament where he was identified as the best player in the tournament. Here, he was awarded a professional contract at the age of 9 with FC Porto in Portugal. Sergei’s family were offered a place to live, as well as a work arrangement for his parents. Sergei and his family accepted the offer and they all moved to Portugal.

Sergei continued to train and play at FC Porto’s and Bragas academy teams for a number of years, where he played alongside team mates such as Bruno Fernandes (Manchester United, Portuguese National Team) and Jose Sa (Wolverhampton, Portuguese National Team).

From there, Sergei continued to play with clubs such as Rangers FC, Anagennisi Deryneia FC and Doxa Katokopias FC in Cyprus, APS Zakynthos and Panegialios Greece and Laval United in Dubai.

Plagued by a number of injuries, Sergei was unable to retain the long career he wished he could have. Through the network he built, and the strong reputation he has as a player assessor, as well as his integrity, he has now made it his aim to assist the next generation of players.

Sergei was first introduced to Cristhian Garcia, where he noticed how talented he was, even at his current age. Sergei admired his skill, combined with his work ethic to retain himself at an elite level. He then made contact with Olympiacos Melbourne, where he obtained a greater understanding of our organisation.

Sergei learned about the football philanthropy, including how we help struggling families to get their kids back into sport. He admired how we are still actively looking to further reduce our costs to also help homeless families also. He understood that, as a philanthropic endeavour, we are here to help the kids first and foremost. After creating a place of refuge for the kids, the skills of the players improves to the extend that they themselves decide to pursue a higher level of soccer.

After seeing the consistency of results created by this football philanthropy, Sergei decided to become our European representative.

Sergey as now assisting players who have improved from our football centres and have decided to continue to our pro Euro pathways. This gives all families the opportunities to continue through to assisting their children turn football into a pro career.

As the Australian most playing biographies in Australia are not recognised in Europe, Sergei is willing to work with players based on their merit, not on their biography. He is willing to work with them to show European clubs that there is an Australian program that consistently shows results.

Our accurate assessment is what Sergei appreciated, knowing that there is a solid Australian location where he can get accurate information he can rely on.

We look forward to working with Sergei for years to come, and continue to look forward to continue to sharing news on how we have helped kids in Melbourne to also get an equal opportunity that all kids deserve.

Watch the interview here.

It is with great pleasure, that 3 of our players that went overseas for international trials, have all commenced their pro Euro careers.

Located in Lithuania 2nd division, Cristian Garcia (31), is now playing at FK Minija. He is currently training with the team as he prepares to play his first game.

At 31 years of age, Cristhian achieved what most people considered to be unachievable. The Helping Kids Football Centre continued to give him a place of peace and comfort, encouraging him to never give up on himself. Cristhian came to our Helping Kids Football Centre after migrating from overseas. Our centre became his place of refuge, where he was surrounded by coaches and teammates who helped him develop as a person before focusing on his football.

Jack Yosif (24) and Ahmed Almajidy (22) are both playing for FK Tauras, a Lithuanian 3rd division side. They are also currently training in preparation for their first game.

Jack and Ahmed both came to the Helping Kids Football Centre to find a place of peace, where they can still enjoy the sport, but also receive the comfort to know they find their own peace.

Upon completion of the Helping Kids Football Centre, all 3 players proceeded to the Football Improvement Centre where they improved their skills to play better for their respective teams.

“It’s the best thing I could’ve done”, said Ahmed, before departing Melbourne to embark on the start of his pro Euro journey.

We also interviewed Jack prior to his departure who told us “It’s given me the opportunity that I couldn’t get elsewhere”.

As parents and families wish them all well, all were hopeful for the success off not only their own family member, but also for their teammates. Little did they know that all 3 were going to be successful in their trials.

We will continue to post news about the journey of these men, including matches and other club news.

Cristhian Garcia is now play for FK Minija
Jack Yousif is now playing for FK Minija
Ahmed Almajidy is now playing for FK Minija

In addition to the news we were honoured to share about Ahmed Almajidy, it brings us great pleasure to also share the wonderful news that Jack Yosif has also been selected to play for FK Minija.

In this very rare occasion, Jack and Ahmed have managed to remain as teammates as they’ve transitioned from being Australian players to now being recognised as pro Euro players. This has given us a unique opportunity to display to Europe that Olympiacos Melbourne is able to help many players and are able to bring out the best of everyone.

Jack started at the Olympiacos Melbourne Helping Kids Football Centre, a judgement free zone that allowed him find his identity and get into a healthy lifestyle. From this, he went through our initiatives until he completed the men’s Euro pro pathway, which inevitably led to this success story.

Jack is another presentation of the Olympiacos Melbourne program to our European counterparts. His display and performance has also given us more credibility in Europe, allowing us to make it easier to transfer players to Europe.

We wish Jack all the best in the start of his European career. To follow Jack and games of other Olympiacos Melbourne players in Europe, please like and follow our Olympiacos Melbourne Facebook page.

Further to the exciting news we have been able to share about Cristina Garcia, we would like to announce that FK Tauras of Lithuania has agreed to accept Ahmed Almajidy into their team.

FK Tauras, who play professionally in 3rd division Lithuania, were informed of the recent arrival of our Olympiacos Melbourne player, Cristhian to FK Minija. Following the positive impression he gave them, FK Tauras were also willing to also trial a player from Olympiacos Melbourne. As an Australian player, it has been clear that obtaining a pro Euro contract has been extremely difficult, as the strength of the Australian player biography is quite weak. Cristhian’s signing at FK Minija greatly assisted the opportunity for Ahmed and other Olympiacos Melbourne players to trial.

Originating in our Helping Kids Football Centre, Ahmed seeker a place of refuge and peace, where he was able to find a place to belong. Olympiacos Melbourne assisted him whilst teaching him football. As he improved, he proceeded to the Olympiacos Melbourne Football centre, followed by the Euro pro pathway that inevitably led to this opportunity.

During his professional European trial, Ahmed put to display all that he has learned at Olympiacos Melbourne. The coach and his team were impressed by his performance and chose to make him a part of their team.

Ahmed is now training with the team in preparation of this first match.

“It’s the best thing I could’ve done”, said Ahmed as we interviewed him prior to his departure from Melbourne. Ahmed retained his composure from departure all the way through to his trial, where he made every effort to contain his nerves, that would jeopardise this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Ahmed continues to praise the Olympiacos Melbourne football philanthropy, acknowledging that he would not have been able to afford this opportunity via traditional means.

We are honoured and thrilled to assist Ahmed in his journey and look forward to seeing him live playing his first match.

To watch Ahmed’s games, please like and follow our Olympiacos Melbourne Facebook page.

We’d like to officially announce that Cristhian Garcia is now playing for Euro Pro div 2 club in Lithuania, FK Minija.

Cristhian Garcia was part of the Olympiacos Melbourne football philanthropies for over 6 years

We are all astounded with the results Cristhian has achieved and congratulate him on his success.

Prior to becoming part of the FK Minija team, Cristhian trialled at numerous pro Euro clubs. Coming from Australian football playing background, his playing history was not recognised at the clubs he was invited to trial, thus was always falling short to other players, not by merit of his skill, but due to the superior player biography the other players had.

He has now found home at FK Minija who have assessed and accepted him due to how well he plays. This is a record breaking achievement to know that a 31 year old Australian player is now recognised as a European professional player.

Cristhian continues to train with the team and is scheduled to play in their next game.

All of Cristhian’s games will be live streamed on Mondays 8PM on the Olympiacos Melbourne Live Videos on Facebook. They will also be available to watch at a later date.

Cristhian came to the Olympiacos Melbourne – Helping Kids Football Centre 6 years ago, after migrating to Melbourne from overseas. He found a place of refuge, surrounded by coaches and teammates who cared for him as a person. This allowed him to grow as a person as well as proceed through our initiatives and improve his skill.

On completion of the Helping Kids Football Centre, Cristhian proceeded to our Football Improvement Centre where he improved his skills to play better for his team.

His passion continued to grow where he became committed to playing professional football in Europe.

“Thank you Olympiacos Melbourne, I could not have done it without your help”, stated Cristhian.

We wish Cristhian all the best in his medical and look forward to seeing him realise his professional dream.

Today wish farewell Jack and Ahmed farewell as they head to Lithuania for Euro pro trials. We were approached by one of our agents who informed us that there are clubs in Lithuania that are willing to trial them and allow them to start their Euro pro career.

Jack and Ahmed started at our Helping Kids Football Centre, where they gained the self-confidence to return the belief in themselves to see them through to this level.

The opportunity for these players came after the decision of Olympias Lympia to no longer sign up Cristhian, where we continued to receive invitations by other clubs for Cristhian to trial. Cristhian trialled at other clubs in Albania and Greece where he also received good reviews.

However, the challenge he faced as an Australian player is that a player who has prior European club experience will be regarded higher than an Australian player. Whilst we are confident in Cristhian’s abilities, we must also respect a notion that the Australian playing biography is considered inferior in Europe.

Throughout the course of his various trials, we were approached by another agent who assessed Cristhian on the merit of his skill and not on his prior playing biography. This agent invited Cristhian to trial in Lithuania whereby he would be given a chance to commence a professional European playing biography.

Once making contact with Olympiacos Melbourne, the agent mentioned the need for additional players that were as skilled as Cristhian. Jack Yosif and Ahmed Almajidy were asked to also trial in Lithuanian teams that the agent had nominated.

We’d like to thank Cristhian for his ability to persist through the journey. His self-belief to continue to train in Europe allowed us to overcome the challenge of the Australian player biography that is not highly regarded in Europe. This challenge meant that we continued to miss out on receiving Euro pro contracts to players with a better biography.

Following Cristhian agreement to start his Euro pro career and the positive reviews heard about Cristhian, there were some staff in the club that decided not to sign Cristhian. We completely respect the clubs decision, and have also instructed Cristhian to also remain respectful to the clubs decision also. Whilst this is a factor that it is out of control, the clubs decision must be respected unconditionally.

Following this decision, we remain thankful of Cristhian Garcia who remained firm under the pressure of European trials. He decided to continue to trial at other clubs to be able have a chance at a Euro pro career.

Being associated with multiple agents who have access to multiple European clubs, we are in a unique position that we are able to find additional opportunities for Cristhian to trial. In addition, Cristhian’s completion at our Helping Kids Football Centre instilled the self belief he needed to never give up on achieving his dream. We are here to help him and provide every opportunity possible for him that he previously would not have had.

Despite the trials and tribulations of working with clubs to obtain a Euro pro contract, Cristhian has remained dedicated to work with us to find another suitable club in pursuit of achieving his target of getting a pro Euro contract.

We thank Olympias Lympia for his opportunity and the review we received from him.

It is with great pleasure that we announce that our player, who started at our Helping Kids Football Centre, have made their first international signing.

Cristhian Garcia, who initially came to our Olympiacos Melbourne Helping Kids Football Centre, has just signed with Cypriot club, Olympias Lympia. Cristhian will now proceed to completing his medical before he begins his first game.

All staff and teammates are beyond delighted with the results achieved. When Cristhian came to us, he was priced out of club sports and unable to find the place to have an equal opportunity. When joining us, he received the same opportunity that inevitably gave him the chance to reach elite sport level.

CEO Steve Papadopoulos said “We are over the moon with the results from Cristhian. At 31 years of age, and with a young family, he remained committed and wanted to achieve his dream. We aim to help anyone that comes to our centre, no matter their age or circumstance. It’s the equal opportunity we give to everyone that’s what matters to us”.

Christhian came to the Olympiacos Melbourne – Helping Kids Football Centre after migrating to Melbourne from overseas. He found a place of refuge, surrounded by coaches and teammates who cared for him as a person. This allowed him to grow as a person as well as proceed through our initiatives and improve his skill.

On completion of the Helping Kids Football Centre, Cristhian proceeded to our Football Improvement Centre where he improved his skills to play better for his team.

His passion continued to grow where he became committed to playing professional football in Europe.

“Thank you Olympiacos Melbourne, I could not have done it without your help”, stated Cristhian.

We wish Cristhian all the best in his medical and look forward to seeing him realise his professional dream.

The time has arrived where Cristhian is boarding a plane and heading off to his pro Euro trials. Here, we’ve interviewed him to discuss how his nerves are.

Cristhian was surrounded by staff, teammates and family who were all present to wish him safe travels and the best of luck in his trials.

Cristhian will be greeted on arrival by our Euro agents who will take him to his accommodation and transfer him to training sessions.

The club has asked for trial location and club names to remain unmentioned until further news arrives.

Watch the interview here.

From Olympiacos Melbourne, we wish him the best of luck and will keep you posted as news arises.